Fighting Adult Skin Conditions: Is There Help for Your Acne?

  • 3 Ways To Prevent Skin Cancer

    28 March 2023

    With one in five Americans getting skin cancer in their lifetime, it is important to be aware of risks and know how to prevent skin cancer if possible. While skin cancer is not always preventable, there are specific lifestyle and behavioral changes you can make to greatly reduce your risk. Skin cancer is especially prevalent in people with fair skin and moles, so if you fit this profile you will want to take extra precautions.

  • What Your Dermatologist Wants You To Know About Acne Breakouts

    10 October 2022

    One of the most common conditions that dermatologists treat is acne. If you're struggling with breakouts, it's important you understand what your dermatologist would suggest for proper treatment. In fact, acne can be not only uncomfortable but unsightly as well. Here are some of the things that you should understand about dealing with breakouts.  Will Your Diet Make Your Acne Worse? You've probably heard tales of things like chocolate, dairy, and fried foods causing acne breakouts.

  • 3 Reasons You May Be Recommended Mohs Micrographic Surgery

    17 March 2022

    Skin cancer can occur anywhere on the body, even on body parts that don't usually receive sun exposure. This is because, while sun damage can increase your risk of skin cancer, it is not the sole determining factor. The good news is that skin cancer is highly treatable, especially if it is diagnosed early. Removal of cancerous lesions is the first step in treating skin cancer. There are different types of excision surgery available, but one such method is called Mohs micrograph procedure.

  • Botulinum Toxin Injection Treatments Can Be Effective With These Six Types Of Wrinkles

    5 November 2021

    Patients need to understand the possibilities of botulinum toxin injection treatment for fighting wrinkles before they get started. Fortunately, these injections can be effective at minimizing the appearance of many different types of wrinkles. However, there are also some wrinkle types against which botulinum toxin injections may not be effective. Botulinum toxin injections can be effective with the following six types of winkles. Glabellar lines or "11" wrinkles For many patients, glabellar lines or what's more familiarly known as "

  • How To Get Rid Of Sunspots

    16 March 2021

    Sunspots are dark spots on the skin that can occur from being out in the sun without sun protection. These dark spots can appear as small freckles, or they may be much larger dark spots on the cheeks or forehead. These dark patches can darken with time, but they can also fade. Protecting your skin from the sun's harmful rays is one of the best ways to prevent dark spots. You can cover up your dark spots with makeup, or you can actually do something to get rid of them.

  • 3 Primary Types Of Skin Moles

    16 October 2020

    Brown spots on the skin are either freckles or moles. Freckles are small pale brown spots on the skin. Some people have a lot of freckles, which usually appear on the arms and face. Some freckles are caused by sun exposure. Moles on the other hand are darker and larger in appearance. People often associate moles with skin cancer. However, it is important to realize that, while some types of moles can be a sign of skin cancer, other types are completely harmless.

  • When to Visit a Dermatologist About Acne

    17 February 2017

    Acne is often thought of as a teen problem. And, while it is true that acne does affect a large amount of teenagers, it can also affect adults and people of any age. Thus, if you are struggling with acne, regardless of your age, you will be glad to know that there are treatments available. Sometimes, simple, over the counter treatments can be effective, but, in many cases, visiting a dermatologist for more serious treatments is necessary.

  • Are You Looking To Get Beautiful Skin? Follow These Beauty Hacks Made From Ingredients In Your Pantry

    23 January 2017

    If you have been trying to get beautiful, healthy skin, you likely already know that it can be expensive. Face washes, moisturizers, and lotions can quickly add up. But there are ingredients that you likely already have in your pantry that can give you that beautiful skin you are after. Follow these steps to get great skin without spending money on pricey products. Olive Oil It is important that you remove makeup from your face before you go to bed at night.

  • Age Spots On Your Hands? Consider A Light Chemical Peel

    4 October 2016

    Your hands tend to show signs of age more quickly than the rest of your body. This is partially because they're exposed to more sunlight and environmental toxins than the rest of your skin. One of the first manifestations of age on the hands tends to be age spots. These dark-colored patches can make you self-conscious about the appearance of your hands. Luckily, there is a simple way to make them less obvious: light chemical peels.

  • Mistakes to Avoid When Using Benzoyl-Peroxide Acne Medications

    18 July 2016

    Face washes, creams, and spot treatments with the active ingredient benzoyl peroxide are highly effective for many patients with mild to moderate acne. Benzoyl peroxide helps kill the bacteria that cause acne and also increases the turnover rate of new skin, resulting in fewer breakouts and a more even complexion. However, there are some intricacies to using these medications effectively. For best results, avoid these mistakes that patients commonly make when using benzoyl peroxide.